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Blogs 05-03-2023

Decentralized Clinical Trials in India: A New Era in Medical Research

Writen by admin

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Clinical trials play a crucial role in the development of new drugs, providing critical data on their safety and efficacy. Decentralised clinical trials (DCTs), also known as virtual or remote clinical trials, have gained traction in recent years as a more patient-centric and cost-effective alternative to traditional clinical trials. India is also embracing DCTs, with increasing interest and participation in the country.

What are Decentralised Clinical Trials?

DCTs involve the use of technology to allow study participants to participate remotely. This includes obtaining informed consent, collecting data, and monitoring participants using technology such as smartphones, wearable devices, and telemedicine. DCTs offer several advantages over traditional clinical trials, such as improved patient recruitment, retention, faster data analysis, and reduced travel costs. DCTs also increase the diversity of study participants, making it easier for patients in remote locations or with mobility issues to participate.

Why are Decentralised Clinical Trials Popular?

India is poised to become a vital center for clinical research, with a large population and a growing middle class. However, traditional clinical trials face several challenges in India, such as limited infrastructure, language barriers, and low patient participation. DCTs offer a solution to these challenges, making it easier for patients to participate in clinical trials, regardless of their location. Additionally, DCTs can significantly reduce the costs of conducting clinical trials, making it an attractive option for sponsors.


DCTs offer several benefits over traditional clinical trials and are gaining popularity in India. By providing access to remote patients and reducing the costs associated with clinical trials, DCTs could significantly improve the diversity of study participants, leading to better representation of the Indian population in clinical trials. However, it is vital to ensure that ethical and regulatory standards are followed to ensure patient safety and data integrity. With increasing interest in DCTs in India, we can expect to see more clinical trials being conducted in the country using this approach. Explore CRONOS to know about how we can support your hybrid & decentralized trials.

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